Jumat, Juni 07, 2013

my 26th birthday

My 1 year past is awesome, I have to thankful with all the bless that I have.
A quarter life has already passed, somehow I learn a lot with all problems and new experiences but it given me strength to reach a brighter future.

My first surprise was at 12.15 am from the man who I loved the most after my father :)
He called me from 1600 km far from Jakarta (please coming back home cone, caaalll

New hope, new dream

Senin, Desember 31, 2012

Business trip with love

Don't ever underestimate your dream
Chase it and keep believing
Because one day on a right time it will happen
It will come true
So don't stop dreaming!! :))

Working at my current office give me a chance to trip around Indonesia

Doing business trip on a tight schedule always give me some new experiences
From one city move to another city..
And my last business trip was MAKASSAR
A City where my boyfriend works
What an coincidence right? Lucky me... Wahooooo

I was very careful preparing this series of surprises, without any announcement for him that I wanna do a business trip to his city.
With a lil' bit delay, but it was my favor when his daily morning massage still came in to my inbox.
It helped to prevent his suspicions :p

Day 1

Around 9 A.M in local time, the plane has landed and I've arrived at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport. This is my first time and this is gonna be my new experience to step at Sulawesi land. I was getting excited and immediately enabled my phone to sent a photo of my flight's ticket for my boyfriend and after that I called him.

..This is the ticket 

My boyfriend was so shock and still couldn't believe that I just arrived and would visit him.


"I really2 in your city and gonna have a meeting with PLN Sultanbatara. After my business done, let's meet up Ito and doing some fun.." *big grin*

"ohh.. Ok.. But I still can't believe it, because you didn't tell me anything about this.. can't wait to meet up with you, Ita"

Driver from my regional office picked me up from airport and here we go.. let's start my lovely business trip :)


After lunch hour I went to PLN ,brought some cakes for them. 
The discussion went so smooth, comfortable and the goal for the reason why I have to go to Makassar has been reached. Pak Andi Yudho who is Deputy Manager of sistem information so so so friendly and cooperative. 
It's a wrap for the meeting with them.

I prepared to meet up with my Ito, an irresistible longing.
We miss our togetherness when we can standing so close each other.
Watched "Breaking Down" part 2 at Mall Panakukkang is our 1st destination on our dating.   
Went there by bentor (it's becak motor), one of public transportation in Makassar.

..pic at bentor

..one photo shot before bought tickets

Day 2

I wanted the time goes slow, substitute the days when we can not meet up :)) I went to regional office first finish my pending office thingy.

Then next stop TRANS STUDIO 
No need story to tell, just enjoy a few pictures on that moment

So much fun, not only because the special place but also with my special one ;) #gombal dikit

Take a picture in front of "PANTAI LOSARI" is a must acctualy, even our hand phone not gave us a good picture but I didn't want to lose this thingy and I got it..

closed the day with seafood menu, because we were starving after a long day at Trans Studio

.. baked fish rica-rica & fried shrimp

Unpredictable moment when we met up with Bang Sena & Bang Harry, they are our senior at campus. They did a business trip also but surely also for short holiday :))) 
They both invited us to join with them for the next day trip to Samalona Island

That night was awesome.

Day 3

That was my last day in Makassar,trust me I will repeat this moment again :) 

We went to this island by small boat, it took around 30 minutes from the harbor. 7.30 we arrived on this island. Thank you for you both, you make my trip complete by asking me and Ito to join to go to this island :D 

.. Bang Sena & Bang Harry

Enjoy my capture of this island, smooth and white sands, clear water and the weather is really really hot. The sun so brave to give their lights. 

We enjoyed snorkeling until 11 o'clock, believe me time flies so fast. the scenery under water was so gorgeous, fish in many color swim so close with us. No worry that our skin got burn.. 

.. Ito & Bang Harry with their equipment for snorkeling

At 11.30 we left Samalona island, because I had to go back to Jakarta at 15.30..

.. it's us

bye bye Makassar, hope to go there again soon. With tears, hug and his kiss on my forehead we became apart again in Sultan Hasanuddin airport.

Love you, Ito

Kamis, November 15, 2012


Distance means nothing when someone means everything
(#LDR quote)

***miss you itoo


"I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
 Lucky to have been where I have been
 Lucky to be coming home again
 Lucky we're in love every way
 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
 Lucky to be coming home someday... "

 (Jason Mraz -Lucky)

unbelievable coz I never dream about this
unpredictable coz I never expect this
but this is real and this is good :)

I don't know how
But I call it destiny..
When your best friend since 7 years ago, who always be a good listener for your embarrassing, happy, sad, awkward and silly stories. Yeah.. I put him in a "closest friend" square.
So we already know each other in the real condition of us.
we joined in campus organization, assistant laboratory, same major (re : telecommunication)
so you can guess how close we are  :) 

until one night change everything, haha.. i'm sure for all couple need one momentum to change something from ordinary become extraordinary..
And it happened also with us.. with unpredictable way, with your recklessness but it was so sweet.

its been already 3 months, hoho.. still new, still fresh and still smoldering.

well.. he already knows who I am and so do I, and we brave to take this path.
without we realize we're connected and we're in one rhythm (that's important).
Thus make us somewhat easy to do this relationship.

a lot of smile, a lot of laugh, a lot of stories to share, a plenty of time to go through with and a lot of surprises.


LOVE u itooo

Selasa, Agustus 14, 2012

My next step

when I try to forgive the situation.. 

actually this is not right, when you curse the situation
means that you're not accept what God determined for you

But it isn't easy at all for me
When you have to ready to faces the new world

This reorganization makes me gonna feel a different situation
I don't blaming (the fact I blame to situation :))))))

I already undertook with all my effort to show my best on my scope of work
the result is good, I guest.. haha.. I'm totally swell-headed, but it's just for a while. Trust me, coz' after all I still have to learn a lot to improve my skill and make me feel I'm too far from excellent and I still can't give a big improvement for this company. 

Other division want me to join with them, don't know how they make an assessment of my working performance. 
Honestly, I'm not on the position corresponding with them, means not working together on my daily of work.
Even that issue has blown up so high, but it not happened yet.
Last issue what I heard I will be placed on division who handle operator (telkomsel, XL, indosat)oohh damn, that was my world before I work here.
My manager not allow me to move there.

Otherwise I stay on this division, don't know weather I have to say yeiiiiiyyyy or blaaaaahhhhh?? 
My new job desc is "Evaluasi Kinerja & Laporan" it's gonna be almost full of administration, I will contact with Microsoft Excel everyday. I will not meet up with my customer agaaaiiinn.. :""""""(

hahaha.. this is makes me feel "WOW" actually.
From one side I really feel be blessed by Allah, why? because after a long wait the decision of my "On Job Training" status which already ended on May (waiting 3 months without any certainty), then on Thursday August 9th I received a letter written welcome to a group of permanent employee.

For this news no arguing I have to say yeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiyyy....
**please give me a congratulation words! xixiixix..

I have to say goodbye for my new best friend, who already have a strong chemistry since our first selection to join with this company.
She will go to Bali soon, her placement for this period will be there.
For sure I'm gonna miss her damn much.. Today she has left Jakarta.
I promise will visit you, soon. Please treat me if I go to your place.. :)))

Hope I can enjoy my new job desc, hope I can give a value for my division.

Ciayooooooooooww :)

Rabu, April 04, 2012

3 in 1

seperti tag line kopi2 sachet pada umumnya..kopi instant yang sudah dilengkapi gula & cream..
siap, tinggal sedu panas2..
Tp gw cenderung lbh seneng dihidangkan dingin2 pake es batu..

tp bukan itu yg mau gw bahas..

melainkan Joki 3 in 1

yang kian menjamur memadati jalan-jalan protokol yang diberlakukan 3 in 1, dengan harapan bisa mengurangi kemacetan ibu kota di jam-jam berangkat & pulang kantor. Jam 3 in 1 yang diberlakukan adalah 7.00 - 10.00 & jam 16.30 - 19.00.

Nyatanya tidak mengurangi kemacetan.. Efeknya hampir tid
ak ada, cenderung tidak terasa. Masalahnya memang volume kendaraan memang bertambah terus memadati ibukota Djakarta ini. Sehingga paradigma yang mengatakan kalau warga Indonesia itu banyak yang berada digaris kemiskinan itu salah, justru banyak kalangan yang menuju ke golongan menengah ke atas. Tapi tidak munafik memang tidak sedikit juga yang masih tidak sejahtera.

Mengutip artikel di VIVAnews.com, bahwa tiap harinya di Jakarta bertambah 240 unit mobil dan 890 unit motor. Bagaimana tidak pepet & penuh sesak jalanan sekarang ini. Belum lagi 1 jalur diambil buat si Transjakarta, yang datengnya ga tentu & armadanya yang ga banyak. Kemarin baca status bbm teman sekantor yang mau pulang ke arah Tanjung Priok udah berdiri selama 1 jam tapi ga kunjung nongol itu batang hidung si Transjakarta. ckckckckk.. Parah banget.. Jadi inget perjalanan ke Singapura tahun lalu, jadi merasakan betapa baiknya infrastruktur transportasi di sana ditata. Dengan Mass R
aid Transport (MRT) nya yang super handal, super cepat, super on time & dalam sekejap hitungan menit kita bisa berada di lokasi yang berbeda dengan jarak belasan kilo meter.

*metode beli tiket yang berdasarkan distance*
*ituuu MRT nya*

*kepadatan di dalamnya,masi nyaman kan??*

Semoga aja pembangunan MRT di Jakarta bisa selesai beneran. Walaupun pst lama ya, sudah dipastikan begitu.. we know laah, ky gimana speed pembangunan mass transportation yg kaya gini2 di Jakarta. But dont stop praying for more well organized our public transportation.

Kembali ke Joki 3 in 1.........

Bukannya biar tertib, tapi malah jadi lahan baru yang gw yakin hanya satu-satunya ada di dunia.
Jalanan sepanjang Slipi JDC - Semanggi, selang 1 meter ada orang2 berjejer mengacungkan jari telunjuknya, menjajakan diri untuk diangkut para pengendara mobil yg tidak ber3 di dlm mobil. Bervariasi umur mereka, dari yang bayi di gendong ibu nya, laki2 paruh baya, remaja, sampai yang sudah tergolong tua. Mengharga diri mereka per orangnya dari Rp. 10.000 - 20.000. Jadi joki di jam-jam 3 in 1 sudah jadi pekerjaan tetap untuk sebagian mereka. Mereka jadi malas bekerja, padahal mereka bisa mendapatkan lebih dari tenaga mereka, pikiran mereka.

*potret dari transjakarta*

Gw pernah menggunakan jasa joki 3 in 1, waktu gw ada janji dinner sama orang Telkomsel di City Plaza, Gatot Subroto. Waktu itu gw cuma ber2 sama manager gw, mana jalanan macet banget. Sudah mulai jalan 20 km/jam sejak di depan JDC Slipi, kondisi sekitar jam 16.45.. Kebetulan manager gw yang nyetir, syukurnya matic jadi ga sebegitu melelahkannya dibanding nyetir manual (**karena ttp ajaa capek liat jalanan padetnya kaya gitu) menempuh kantor d Pejompongan menuju ke City Plaza. Kita putuskan ambil joki laki2 muda sekitar umur 23 tahun. Manager gw ga mau ambil resiko ketilang, karena no option kalau ke arah City Plaza, Wisma Mulia di jam segitu. Karena manager gw itu ga bisa diem orang nya, demeeenn banget ngobrol, meskipun sama orang baru, paling gak nyapa deh.. Mba2 yang jaga pintu keluar bayar parkir pun dia sapa "Mba... senyum dong, lagi sakit gigi ya??" eaaaaahhh... ga bisa liat orang cemberut dikit. dan saat itu mba2 nya nanggepin "Iyaa.. Pak.. saya lagi ga enak badan" Lhooohh si Mba2 nya malah curhat. Ini ga tau manager gw supel, sok akrab, apa mang Sanguin sejati beliau itu.

Dengan kebiasaan tersebut, jadilah percakapan menarik dengan si Joki yang kita angkut sebelum naik jembatan menuju semanggi (**jembatan sebelum Gedung BPK). Pembuka pembicaraan nego harga dulu..

Manager : "Berapa mas sampe Wisma Mulia samping Jamsostek situ? 10ribu yaa? deket ini.. situ doang.. 10ribu yah?"
Tawar Manager gw yang mang paling hobi ngerayu & berusaha untuk dapet harga semurah mungkin. Pertama di tanya nama, umur, sudah nikah belum.. pertanyaan standart lah.. Si mas2 itu juga masih terlihat bingung kok ditanya-tanya seperti itu.

Mas Joki : "20ribu deeh Pak, jangan 10.. Iya saya tau Wisma Mulia"

Tapi Manager gw keukeh(ngeyel) & akhirnya deal di angka 15ribu.

Obrolan berlanjut, ditanya nama, umur, sudah menikah apa belum, si mas2nya mulai bingung, jawabnya terlihat canggung. Tapi yaa di jawab juga kok.. Dengan trik nya, mancing2 & berusaha membuat nyaman si mas2 ini. Akhirnya terbukalah dia..

Manager : "eh kamu mau ga kerja di tempat teman saya? Dia punya toko bangunan, kali kamu bisa bantu-bantu di sana, udah pasti gaji tetap juga kan gak kaya joki gini"

Guess what apa jawaban dia, harusnya dia antusias kan yaa..

Mas Joki : (sambil cengar-cengir) "Yaah Pak, bukan apa-apa, pasti energi saya lebih abis kalau kerja begituan. Kalo jadi joki kan enak, tinggal duduk aja.. pagi bisa dapet 2x, malem anggep lah 1x karena lebih macet"

huaaahhh.. gubrak.. guling2.. melongo lah gw sejadi-jadinya..

oohh jadi itu alesan orang-orang & mereka-mereka itu ternyata yakin bisa dapet paling gak sehari 30rb-50rb. Ayo kita itung-itungan :

hari kerja/aktif 3 in 1 anggaplah 20 hari yaa..
1 hari = Rp. 40.000
20 hari = 20 * Rp. 40.000
= Rp. 800.000
Itu perhitungan kasarnya, sehingga bisa kurang/lebih per orang nya.
Tapi itu ada setorannya (ternyataaa) ke penjaga wilayah nya, ternyata mereka gitu-gitu ada pengelolanya juga lho. Yaaa bisa dianggep beliau itu yang pegang kuasa di daerah situ, yang terbilang pendiri/pengagas joki 3 in 1 itu.

FYI, mereka juga ada latihan militernya lhoo.. Semacam persiapan kalau-kalau ada gank lain yang usil, ada razia polosi. Jadi sebelum mereka boleh turun ke jalan sebagai joki, mereka disuruh berantem dulu (** yang ini ni ga meaning, krn itu ga berlaku hanya untuk cowo aja, tapi juga untuk Ibu-Ibu ga terkecuali anak-anak. Miris pas si mas joki cerita part ini), ada latihan lari juga di Senayan (** yang ini positif), supaya kalau ada razia mereka bisa lari cepat, tunggang-langgang. hihihihihi... bekal yang menurut gw ada korelasinya. 1 lagi, mereka diinfo kode-kode, kalau tiba-tiba ada razia & kode mereka itu jongkok, setelahnya mereka mencar, menyebar.

Gak terasa perjalanan 1 jam, akhirnya sampai juga kita di tempat tujuan , Mas joki kita turunin di belokan menuju City Plaza. Akhirnya manager gw ngasih lebih ke dia.

Hoaah.. jd punya pengetahuan gw karena ngobrol-ngobrol sama mas-mas Joki itu :)

Selasa, Maret 13, 2012

Goes to BOGOR :)

Just because we are too often to spend our weekend from mall to another mall.
So last weekend my family decided to spend our Sunday in Bogor.
It's all about foods..
Yeyyiiiyyy... culinary mood.

**our first Pit stop is "GURIH 7"
This is for our lunch, early lunch because it's still 11 am, when we arrived in Bogor.
My mother request, her favourite food "kuring"
This is our 2nd time.
The ambience is designed as a village, completed with saung and waterfall.
Oohh how I love the sound of the water which fall continously.

Appetizer before the main menu..
Pisang ijo with durian sauce, the popular food from Makasar.
quite good to open my day on Sunday in Bogor..

Here we are the menu that we ordered.
the menu is not far from baked gurame, oseng2 lenjer for the vegetable, tahu, and squid fried for my special brother.
Thanks God he doesn't like the baked gurame.. Coz we'll fight for that. haha..

** 2nd Pit Stop "Kedai Kita"
OOOhhhh this is a very very good place with cozy ambience and good food with a cheap price.
The recommended menu that you have to try. Pizza which is baked with firewood, its famous called pizza tungku.
Enough cheese, enough Crispy, enough meat, enough size (they have only 1 size ).
Nyammm... Nyammm... I just can't stop to eat this.

another menu is fried dumpling, those dumpling are crunchy.. will be better if we eat, after they finished fried that.

^BBQ Smoked Beef Pizza @Rp. 50.000/6 slices

^Fried Dumplings @Rp. 14.000/6 pieces

^Cheese Klappertart (forget about the price)

**the 3rd Pit Stop "Macaroni Panggang(MP)
Never pass this place if we go to Bogor.
Damn delicious :)

Medium Macaroni Panggang @Rp. 53.000

Then we full of all that carbohydrate and fat on our stomach..
But we have a fun Sunday, quality time with family.

Whats next??